Tower of Terror Bellhop Hat
As a Disneyphile, there are a few cast costumes I think are cute, like the Haunted Mansion black and green striped victorian dresses, the Gibson Girl’s, and the Tower of Terror Bellhop. I remember walking past these costumes in the cast member costuming building and being so very jealous – the main entrance costumes didn’t have quite the same uniqueness to them.

Then Disney had to go and release a new dress line. And one of the dresses is the Hollywood Tower Hotel Bellhop Dress…
Be still my heart!
The dress is accompanied with a hat and a purse, which are cute. The hat oddly enough is too big for my gigantor noggin, so I get to make my own and share it with you!
Here are the mats:
One happy little beret/hostess hat
Thick black ribbon
Thin yellow ribbon
Russian Net

Then tack down the edge at the ends at the front of the hat so the charm sits over a clean edge.
I did sew the Russian net to the underside of the ribbon. Just gather up the end at the center and then pleat the netting towards the back.
Then hot glue the very base of the ribbon at the bottom edge of the hat and make it snug.
But notice something wrong here? The ribbon is gapping like mad and looks completely off! There’s only one way to fix this!