Elizabethan Princess Anna

Anna is my spirit princess – clumsy, silly, defiant, and always trying to be the best sister she can be.

We won Best in Show at Awesome Con 2018 with these beauties and I couldn’t be happier.

The designs are each our own, we coordinated on everything from fabric choice to the type of stitch the embroidery is done in. Sara styled both wigs and I made both snoods with an historically accurate 14th century netting technique (you can see that technique on the blog). Every component of our outfits was hand-drafted, except for Sara’s gloves – I made those from a pattern.

The corset is a traditional Elizabethan design made from suede, canvas, and cotton with full stays (literally: zip ties ya’ll), the skirts are made from taffeta, satin, and shantung. Each panel is appliqued, embroidered and beaded. I honestly couldn’t feel my right pinky at the end of this build… I’m all better now – so no worries. The chemise is made of handkerchief linen with snowflake buttons. Anna’s necklace is sculpted from Primo, baked and then painted; the ring to attach to the velvet was inserted prior to baking. And we even painted our shoes!

Here are some base stats for Anna:
Total Number of Beads: 4,500
Beading/Embroidery Time: 113 hours
Total Time to Complete: 190.5 hours

I love this cosplay so very much and hope you do too!